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Vice President :


Magie Gerges

President :


Kristina Brunnler

Officers and their Duties

​The President is the overall coordinator of Gamma Beta Phi. He/she is responsible for the smooth running and coordination of the officers, meetings, and all other GBP activities. The President presides over all meetings (including meetings of the Executive Committee). This includes any and all phases of preparation that are necessary to have an efficiently run meeting. It is helpful to have written agendas to insure that all topics in need of discussion are covered.


- The President is also in charge of coordinating the Induction

- Ceremony Ensuring that The Honor Society is considered "active" via Student Life (Attending the Mandatory meetings once a quarter and end of the year renewal of UCR's student organization list SOLAR)
- Allowing allotted time for transition of new officers in the spring quarters (Shadowing and Overview of Officer Binders)
Some of the qualities that are helpful in the position of President are:

•Being able to "think on your feet"​
•Being able to take responsibility for the decisions you have made
•Trusting in others to do a capable job
•Being open to suggestions/requests made by others
•Being able to communicate, both orally and in writing​



The Vice President is expected to be able and willing to fill in any officer's position if needed. For example, the Vice President must be prepared for anything from having to hold officers meetings, assisting with (or coordinating) various meetings and special events and activities.


In addition, the Vice President is also in charge of the following:
•Contacting potential sponsors and speakers
•Setting dates for potential events and fundraisers
•Writing both confirmation and thank you letters (for speakers and guests)
•Reserving locations for meetings through the HUB
•Run meetings when President cannot attend


The Treasurer's main function is to monitor the inflows and outflows of cash. The duties of the Treasurer include, but are not limited to:

• Maintaining the bank account
• keeping the books up to date
• paying bills in a timely manner
•sending billing notices when necessary
•The Treasurer shall also prepare a Monthly Report of Receipts and Disbursements, including detail of sources of receipts and purposes of disbursements. This Report shall be made to the President, and attached to the minutes of the business meetings.
•The Treasurer shall create, at the beginning of each quarter, a Financial Plan for the Quarter (anticipated revenues and expenses) and a Projected Statement of Financial Position for the end of the quarter.
•The Treasurer arranges for the internal audit of GBP chapter


The Secretary is responsible for:

• Taking of minutes of each of the business meetings (including officers' business meetings), typing them, and presenting them at the next business meeting for review and possible further discussion.
•The Secretary is also responsible for keeping accurate attendance records at all GBP meetings and activities, and for collecting fees from non-members.
•The Secretary is responsible for creation and update of the membership roster.
•The Secretary will also keep a record of all professional attendees at meetings, and maintain current members.
•Supervises the candidate periods for all candidates (This includes entering candidates into the Reporting Intranet on a timely basis, and immediately providing the Treasurer with the resulting invoice for payment)
• The Reporting Secretary monitors the progress of all candidates, and communicates with them on a regular basis regarding candidate requirements.

Treasurer :


Jason Wu & Yeena Ng

​Secretary :


Tracy Fong

Fundraising Chair :


Sherina Bala & Miriam Choudry

Community Service Chair :


Neda Ghamari & Stephani Kong

Historian :


Alejandra Torres

Publicity Coordinator :


Erica Moreno

An officer serves in the role of Fundraising chair by:
• Planning fundraising events (at least two a quarter) to raise funds for scholarships
•Calling and communicating with local businesses for Fundraisers such as (juice it up, Chili's, Extreme Pita, Let's Make a DEal TV Taping)
•Find fun activities in able to raie money for the organization



One officer serves in the role of Community Service Chair by actively seeking out community service activities throughout the quarter. This includes:

• School Supply Drives or any drives in general
•Speaking events at Local Middle and High Schools
•Planning Charity Events
•Possible Tutoring at High school or college students Free of charge
•Soup Kitchen
•Hike to the C "Trash Pick-up"
•Plan and coordinate with Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful

The Historian is the custodian of the Chapter records. The Historian shall:

• Maintain a complete up-to-date file of Chapter records concerning every activity that goes on..
•Maintain a photographic record as appropriate.
•Attend all meetings, events, and fundraisers and obtain records as they are created.
•Pay particular attention to gathering information to document the activities.  Obtain photographs and news clippings that document events.
•Maintain a scrapbook of photos and clippings for Gamma Beta Phi booth events.


One officer serves in the dual roles of Publicity Officer and Webmaster. The Publicity Officer's main job is that of communication.

• The Publicity Officer is responsible for making and posting weekly notices about the meetings.These notices should be posted no later than Sunday afternoon before a Wednesday night meeting.​
•He/she is also responsible for setting up/scheduling volunteer activities for GBP members and candidates, coordinating the involvement of GBP members and candidates in these activities, and providing the Reporting Secretary with timely and complete information about volunteer activities.                                        
•The Webmaster's primary job is to keep the chapter's website up to date.
•Keeping the calendar of events and volunteer activities current up to date, as well as other items of interest to members.
•The Webmaster is also responsible for placing officer photos and contact information on the website.
• The software currently used for the website is

​Copyright 2012 GammaBetaPhiUCR.

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