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Active Membership of Gamma Beta Phi

Although all members of Gamma Beta Phi are recognized for their acadimic and service success not all members of Gamma Beta Phi are elgible to receive membership rewards, only Active members are elgible. Service is detemined PER HOUR therefofre involvement PER EVENT is equal to 1 hour, unless stated otherwise.

Earns at least 10 service hours per quarter based on the 10-Hour Active member system below:


- Meetings

       Must attend 3 of the 5 general meetings

       Each  meeting counts for 1 hour

       Each quarter GBP holds 4 general meetings as well as 1 Induction Ceremny


- Service within GBP

        Must complete 4 service hours/events within GBP

        Does not include meetings unless all 5 have been attended

        Depending on the even 1-5 hours of service can be earned


- Other Service

        Must complete an additional 2 service hours

        Can be completed within or outside of GBP

        Proof of outside service must be turned in for credit by submitting the "Volunteer Verification Form"

        Download "Volunteer Verification Form" Here


All 10 service hours can be earned with GBP for Active Membership

Regular GBP Member:

Active GBP Member:

Earns less than 10 hours of service per quarter

There will be various events organized throughout the quarter such as letter writing to our soldiers, Cards 4 Kidz, soldier care package drive, school supplies/food supplies drive, Climb the C pick up trash, Keep Riverside clean and beautiful Block Party, Spring Splash, Socials, etc.

Members can fulfill their Service hour requirement through the events that are offered by Gamma Beta Phi or with any organization, any type of activity or event (ex: Workshops, Peer Mentoring, etc.)

Note: You must complete 10 hours each quarter. If you complete more hours than those required, those hours will not count for the next quarter (no rollover hours). However, the hours will accumulate at the end of the year and awards and discounts on graduation regalia will be given to graduating members (see bottom of page for "Dedicated Member Rewards")


The Chapter created the "Active Membership" system as a means to reward dedicated members; thus once a meber is active he/she will be qualified to recieve benefits such as scholarships, discounts on graduation regalia and more.​

Dedicated Member Rewards

Dedicated members will be rewarded for their active participation as a member in GBP and also as an active member in their community.

Regular GBP Member:

Earns less than 30 service hours

Regalia Price $40

Active GBP Member: 2 Different Medals Depending on hours earned

Earns between 30 and 50 service hours

Regalia Price $30

Recieves Bronze Medal


Earns between 50 and 60 service hours

Regalia Price $30

Recieves Gold Medal

Gold Plus GBP Member:

Earns more than 60 service hours

Regalia Price $20

Receives Gold Medal

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