​Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society ​
Service, Scholarship, and Character
Informational Meeting for Winter 2013 will be held next week:
- Thursday (1/24/2013) from 6-7pm, Olmsted 1123
- Friday (1/25/2013) from 4-5pm, HUB 268
January 18, 2013:
Important GBP Announcements
January 20, 2013:
First fundraiser for Winter 2013 will be held at Rubio's February 1st, 2013 from 2pm to Close. Please come support GBP.
January 21, 2013:
Winter 2013 General meetings will begin in Week 4 on Thursday's from 7-8pm, be on the lookout for more announcements
January 30, 2013:
GBP 1st General Meeting
Thursday, Jan. 31st, 7-8 pm
Olmsted Hall 1136
At our first meeting, we want to welcome our new members and introduce you all to the organization. New members, don't forget to bring your membership forms and fees if haven't already turned them in (the deadline is Feb. 1st).
We'll also review the leadership positions that will be opening up this quarter and how you all can apply. This quarter we'll be electing a new President, Vice President, Publicity Chair and Fundraising Chair, and we will try to use this meeting to give you all a workshop on what we're looking for and how the process works. This will be a great opportunity to get acquainted with all our new and past members so make sure you come out and participate!
Also, be sure to stop by Rubios this Friday February 1st from 2-Closing for some delicious Mexican food and help out Gamma Beta Phi by bringing the attached flyer!! Your receipt will earn you an hour of service!
February 1, 2013:
Important Information from First General Meeting:

Officer Elections: Deadline to turn in application is Sunday February 10th at 9:00pm,
Be prepared for interview February 14th, 2013 at 2nd General Meeting
Please email these applications to Rachel Sorenson (rsore003@ucr.edu).
 Open officer positions this quarter: President, Vice President, Publicity, or Community Service
 The application and personal statement are explained in the file 'GBP Officer Application'

Community Service: Cards for Kidz - February 14, 2013 (During 2nd General Meeting)
2 Cards = 1 hour of Service
Max of 2 hours earned but can turn in as many cards as you would like!!
Box Tops
5 box tops = 1 hour
Max of 2 hours earned but again can turn in as many box tops as you would like!!
20 recyclables = 1 hour
Max 2 hours earned
Must turn in receipt not recyclables
NOTE: All Community Service hours must be turned in by end of General Meeting in Week 8
(2/28/13) in order for hours to count towards Winter quarter
Winter Quarter General Meetings: Olmsted 1136 from 7-8 pm
February 14, 2013
February 28, 2013
March 7, 2013
March 14, 2012 (Inductions Ceremony - must purchase ticket)​
Don't forget our 10-Hour Active Membership System has been revised, look in Membership tab under Active membership for more information.
February 9, 2013:
Officer Election Applications due Sunday February 10th, 2013 @ 9:00PM
Please email these applications to Rachel Sorenson (rsore003@ucr.edu).
The application and personal statement are explained in the file 'GBP Officer Application'
March 14, 2013:
Hey Gambets! Join us for Inductions tonite to celebrate new and graduating members. At 7pm in HUB 302. Business Casual Dress. Dinner will be provided. Tickets are $10 at the door.
Hope to see you all there!!
April 17, 2013:
Hey Gambets! Here's some important information for Spring 2013 Quarter
General Meetings will be held on Wednesdays from 7-8 pm in MSE 103:
1st General Meeting: April 24th, 2013
2nd General Meeting: May 8th, 2013
3rd General Meeting: May 22nd, 2013
Inductions Ceremony: June 5th in Watkins 1101
Keep an eye out for more information throughout the quarter.
April 23, 2013:
Hey Gambets!! There has been a change in the general meeting schedule, here is the updated schedule:
1st General Meeting: May 1st in OLMS 1127 @7-8pm
2nd General Meeting: May 8th in MSE 103 @7-8pm
3rd General Meeting: May 22nd in MSE 103 @7-8pm
Inductions Ceremony: June 5th in Watkins 1101 @7-8pm
Please note General Meetings do not start until next Wednesday, this Wednesday April 24th will be an informational meeting for prospective new members.